We are recruiting PhD students with a strong background in hybrid dynamical systems and its feedback control at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)
Position 1: Interested in developing fundamental theory for the secure estimation and control of cyber-physical systems? Apply here.
This position is embedded within the Dynamics and Control section at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, TU/e. You will be jointly supervised by Michelle S. Chong and Nathan van de Wouw.
Position 2: Interested in the hybrid control of robotic systems in close collaboration with the robotics industry? Contact me: m.s.t.chong[at]tue[dot]nl.
This position is embedded within the Robotics section at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, TU/e. You will be jointly supervised by Elena Torta, Michelle S. Chong and René van de Molengraft; and in close collaboration with Philips Medical Systems (NL).
For more information on the positions above, send me an email with the title "PhD application" at m.s.t.chong[at]tue[dot]nl